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  • 金鏈視頻
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  Nan-ja waves around a shaving knife in a blonde wig, black stockings and miniskirt when the sun goes down. Her aim is to slit the throats of men who have betrayed their women and made them cry. However, her true goal is to take revenge on Gil-soo, Jae-goo and Man-sik who made her mother bite down on bread while they raped her to death. Then one day, Nan-ja finds one of the men shes looking for through a heartbroken woman who was going to kill herself. Nan-ja kidnaps him and drags him to the basement of her hideout where she makes him play the trumpet. Nan-ja dances to the sound of the trumpet until she slits his throat and watch the blood spurt out from the trumpet. Her revenge has begun.


  • 7.1靈魂擺渡·黃泉於毅,何花,王瑞昌,嶽麗娜
  • 0.0我本是高山海清,陳永勝,柴燁,王玥婷,萬國鵬,美朵達瓦,趙瑞婷,羅解豔,郭莉娜,潘家豔,楊顏嘉,劉雅瑟,楊皓宇,胡歌,張豐毅,李晨,秦海璐,劉奕君,孫少蘭,李依曉,吳妍妍
  • 7.4人生大事朱一龍,楊恩又,王戈,劉陸,羅京民,吳倩,鄭衛莉,陳創,李春嬡,鍾宇升,劉亞津,小愛,韓延
  • 0.0侍神令陳坤,周迅,屈楚蕭,沈月
  • 10.0#活著劉亞仁,樸信惠,李鉉旭,全裴修,蘇熙靜,金丹菲,喬漢俊
  • 0.0正片烈火英雄黃曉明,杜江,譚卓,楊紫,歐豪
  • 9.1好東西宋佳,鍾楚曦,章宇,趙又廷,任彬,曾慕梅,張弛,周野芒,王菊,孔連順,蔣易
  • 0.0絕密型戰亨利•卡維爾,艾莎•岡薩雷斯,阿蘭•裏奇森,亞曆克斯•帕蒂弗,赫洛•費因斯-提芬,巴布斯•奧盧桑莫昆,亨利•紮格,蒂爾•施威格,亨利•戈爾丁,加利•艾爾維斯,弗萊迪•福克斯,Alessandro•Babalola,Reggie•McHale,拉塞爾•巴洛格,薩賈杜爾•艾哈邁德•裏亞德,維克托•奧辛,塔尼薩•伊斯蘭•馬希,Mark•Oosterveen,保羅•奧凱利,Mert•Kilic
  • 8.0狼族少年/狼少年/狼少年:不朽的愛宋仲基,樸寶英,柳演錫,張榮男,金香起
  • 0.0小時代4:靈魂盡頭楊冪,郭采潔,陳學冬,郭碧婷,謝依霖
  • 8.3淪落人黃秋生,姬素•孔尚治,葉童,李燦森,黃定謙
  • 6.2誤殺3肖央,佟麗婭,段奕宏,劉雅瑟,王龍正,馮兵,周楚濋,徐詣帆,高捷,尹子維,張榕容,盧慧敏,陳昊,範靜禕,葉泉希


