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  • 劇情介紹
  Schneider, a hit man, gets a call from Mertens on the morning of his birthday. He has a rush job for Schneider who refuses it, because it is his birthday and he has promised Lucy, his wife, to help her with the preparations for the dinner party. Mertens insists that it is an important matter. When they meet in Mertens’ office, Schneider is told that the target is Ramon Bax, a writer. He lives alone in a secluded place. “It’s an easy job. With a little luck you’re back home before noon. ” Schneider accepts the assignment. Bax, over sixty, is staying at his summer house on the edge of a lake surrounded by reeds. He is recovering from a night of drugs and alcohol. When he remembers that his daughter Francisca is coming to see him today, he heartlessly gets rid of his young mistress Nadine. Francisca arrives. She is depressed and unhappy, and her father does not know how to deal with her. He urges her to take drugs and compares her unfavorably with her sister. They quarrel and she starts to cry. Bax suppresses his discomfort with a joint, vodka and some haphazardly chosen pills. What seems to be a simple job turns out to be more than expected.


  • 0.0西遊記女兒國郭富城,馮紹峰,趙麗穎,小沈陽,羅仲謙
  • 0.0唐人街探案2王寶強,劉昊然,肖央,劉承羽,尚語賢
  • 7.1一出好戲黃渤,舒淇,王寶強,張藝興,於和偉,王迅
  • 0.0絕世高手盧正雨,郭采潔,範偉,蔡國慶,陳衝,倉田保昭,孔連順,黃齡,楊迪,柯達,艾倫,趙英俊,魏翔,汪聰,何藍逗,魏金棟
  • 0.0西虹市首富沈騰,宋芸樺,張一鳴,張晨光,常遠
  • 9.5阿甘正傳 湯姆•漢克斯,羅賓•懷特,加裏•西尼斯,麥凱爾泰•威廉遜
  • 6.4正片瘋狂的外星人黃渤,沈騰,湯姆·派福瑞,馬修·莫裏森,徐崢,於和偉,雷佳音,劉樺,鄧飛,蔡明凱,王戈,凱特·納爾遜,王硯偉,呲路
  • 7.3熱烈黃渤,王一博,劉敏濤,嶽雲鵬,小沈陽,張子賢,宋祖兒,蔣龍,卡斯柏,王霏霏,張海宇,廖搏,王海,喬治,楊小建,周森林,葉音,麽紹卿,張運臣,韓陌,齊溪,張祐維,老四,宗俊濤,劉大鎖,衣雲鶴,楊迪,孔連順,阿如那,黃景行,王迪,董博睿,徐化楠,陶亮,陳祉希,大鵬
  • 10.0正片偵探2權相宇,成東日,李光洙,徐英姬
  • 0.0HD道士下山王寶強,郭富城,張震,林誌玲,範偉
  • 0.0接班人計劃沈騰,馬麗,薩日娜,史彭元,肖帛辰,張子棟,李嘉琦,孫貴權,楊文哲,魏翔,賈冰,於洋,李宗恒,王成思,張一鳴,陶亮,丁柳元,劉鑒
  • 6.3末路狂花錢賈冰,譚卓,小沈陽,於洋,董寶石


