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  • 老板視頻
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  A woman joins a couple on a trip to a hunting lodge in the mountains. When evening comes, her friends go the pub in the valley and the woman stays behind with the dog. When the couple does not return the next morning the woman sets out for the village and makes an alarming discovery: an invisible wall, behind which there appears to be no sign of life, now separates her from the rest of the world. Left behind with a dog, a cat and a cow, she must try to survive alone in the forest. She keeps a record of her thoughts, her fears and the hardship she suffers although nobody might ever read her outpourings. Published in 1963, Austrian writer Marlen Haushofer’s bestselling novel has enthralled generations of readers and has been translated into seventeen languages. Austrian screenwriter and director Julian Roman Pölser’s adaptation was filmed in Salzkammergut. Pölsner’s film stays close to the novel’s original texts – a mixture of fictional narrative, empancipatory chronicle and social criticism which asks fundamental questions aboed generations of readers and has been translated into seventeen languages. Austrian screenwriter and director Julian Roman Pölser’s adaptation was filmed in Salzkammergut. Pölsner’s film stays close to the novel’s original texts – a mixture of fictional narrative, empancipatory chronicle and social criticism which asks fundamental questions about one’s relationship to nature, animals and to oneself that are still topical today. Martina Gedeck embodies the transformation of a woman who is suddenly obliged to live a completely different life.


  • 0.0逆行人生徐崢,辛芷蕾,王驍,賈冰,馮兵,鄔家楷,劉美含,丁勇岱,丁嘉麗,陳哈琳,黃小蕾
  • 0.0廁所英雄阿克謝•庫瑪爾,阿努潘•凱爾,布米•佩德卡爾,拉傑什•沙瑪,薩欽•克德卡
  • 0.0記憶大師黃渤,段奕宏,徐靜蕾,楊子姍,梁傑理
  • 0.0孤注一擲張藝興,金晨,詠梅,王傳君,王大陸,周也,孫陽,鄧萃雯
  • 9.8最後之舞邁克爾•喬丹,斯科蒂•皮蓬,丹尼斯•羅德曼,菲爾•傑克遜
  • 6.0HD五十度飛達科塔·約翰遜,詹米·多南,阿莉爾·凱貝爾,埃裏克·約翰遜
  • 7.4關於我媽的一切徐帆,張婧儀,許亞軍,張歆藝,陳明昊,吳彥姝,李程彬,韓雲雲,趙曉蘇
  • 0.0廉政風雲劉青雲,張家輝,林嘉欣,袁詠儀,方中信
  • 8.0我們一起搖太陽彭昱暢,李庚希,徐帆,高亞麟,劉丹,王迅,宋伊人,劉迅,李晨,楊玏,李建義,李曉川
  • 7.9飛馳人生2沈騰,範丞丞,尹正,張本煜,孫藝洲,魏翔,賈冰,鄭愷,於適
  • 0.0拿破侖2023華金•菲尼克斯,凡妮莎•柯比,露德溫•塞尼耶,本•邁爾斯,凱瑟琳•沃克,伊恩•麥克尼奇,塔哈•拉希姆,優素福•凱爾科爾,保羅•瑞斯,愛德華•菲利波納特,馬修•尼達姆,約翰•霍林沃思,斯科特•漢迪,安娜•毛恩,漢娜•弗林,山姆•克萊恩,達維德•特治,本傑明•奇夫斯,喬納森•巴恩維爾,彼得•桑迪斯-克拉克,菲爾•康韋爾,加文•斯派克,哈裏•陶樂西,科馬克•海德-科林,羅威娜•本特利,艾琳•安斯沃思,吉恩-帕斯卡爾•海涅曼德,大衛•韋雷,約翰•霍奇金森,伊莎貝拉•布朗森,斯蒂芬•菲切特,愛德華E.沃特,布賴恩•
  • 7.9滿江紅沈騰,易烊千璽,張譯,雷佳音,嶽雲鵬,王佳怡,潘斌龍,餘皚磊,郭京飛,歐豪,魏翔,張弛,黃炎,許靜雅,蔣鵬宇,林博洋,飛凡,任思諾,陳永勝,張壹男


