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  • 劇情介紹
Helena is a young girl who spent all her life in a space pod just after her birth, traveling from Earth to a distant planet where she will reunite with others space colonials, with the voice of the on-board computer as only one company. Arriving to a space station for maintenance works, Helena meets Álex, the repairman, falling in love with him quickly. But Álex, still traumatized by the ghosts of his own past, decides some days later after to meet Helena break all rules and reveal her the truth: that she is part of a secret experiment to test the effects in the human body of an elongated space travel, and that she was offered by her fathers as well another babies, in the hope to runaway from a progressively more polluted and radioactive planet Earth. Escaping from the fake space pod, Helena exits to the world and discovering it at the side of Álex, being both prosecuted by Hugo, director of the project, who searches the way to keep all project in secret. But during the connivance .,88影視為您提供軌道9劇情介紹.


  • 0.0溫暖的季節Gregory•Jbara,Nicholas•Wagner,Cynthia•Mace,Carie•Kawa,Daniel•Dorr,Michael•Esparza,Mia•Akemi•Brown,Leonel•Garza,Andrew•Kern
  • 2.4女仆機器人起源Katie•Kay,Bryan•Brewer,Cassie•Ghersi
  • 0.0月球叛軍:火之女索菲亞•波多拉,艾德•斯克林,克利歐佩特拉•科爾曼,加利•艾爾維斯,安東尼•霍普金斯,查理•漢納姆,吉娜•馬隆,米希爾•赫伊斯曼,寇瑞•斯托爾,傑曼•翰蘇,斯圖爾特•馬丁,裴鬥娜,多米尼克•伯吉斯,裏安•裏斯,阿方索•埃雷拉,雷•費舍爾,弗拉•菲,斯塔茲•奈爾,丹尼埃爾•布魯吉奧,雷•波特,E•達菲
  • 0.0鄰人X奇怪的她上野樹裏,林遣都,黃姵嘉,野村周平,川瀨陽太,島田久作,原日出子,笨蛋節奏,酒向芳
  • 8.3流浪地球2吳京,劉德華,李雪健,沙溢,寧理,王智,朱顏曼滋,安地,王若熹•,佟麗婭,瓦蒂利•馬卡裏切夫,張衣,卡瓦瓦•卡迪奇,克拉拉,葉展飛,托尼•尼科爾森,胡先煦,霍青,國義騫,李路琦,吳恩璿,王紅衛,孔大山,徐建,嚴華,郜昂,丁燕來,張濤,向進,劉寅,王磊,王一通,楊洪濤,趙葉索
  • 0.0重啟明日徐海喬,譚曉凡
  • 0.0修複體托馬斯•科特,卡雷爾•多布雷,Václav•Neuzil
  • 5.2假麵騎士555 20周年 天堂・重獲半田健人,芳賀優裏亞,村上幸平,唐橋充
  • 0.0侏羅紀入侵孔舒航,陳葉玲,程爽,司徒曉海
  • 0.0指尖2023傑瑞米•艾倫•懷特,傑西•巴克利,安妮•墨菲,裏茲•阿邁德,盧克•威爾遜,尼娜•凱莉,克萊爾•麥康奈爾,阿曼達•阿庫裏,凱蒂•布賴爾,Avaah•Blackwell,朱諾•裏納爾迪,吉姆•沃森,坦凱•雷德弗斯,瓦倫•薩朗加,Ashleigh•Rains,Tameka•Griffiths,Mish•Tam,Heather•Dicke,Delainie•Marcia,Lauren•Horejda
  • 0.0寂靜島之異獸張皓承,董潞蔓,黃宥天
  • 0.0寂靜島之異獸張皓承,董潞蔓,黃宥天

